site auditing tools

XML Sitemap Generator

Enter a domain name

Modified date
Change frequency
Default priority
How many pages do I need to crawl?

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site auditing tools

About XML Sitemap Generator

After your stunning website is created and you are wondering to outrank your website in various search engines. Our SEO tool developed is very easy and useful to assist you in your endeavor of ranking. XML sitemap in colloquial terms is defined as the list of different URLs present in your website which is arranged and assembled properly. It is the process to have a proper layout and structure of the links. Google crawlers find it convenient to indexing those websites that have proper links and information in it. The sitemap provides the information on the web pages' location whenever site pages were updated or changed. XML Sitemaps establishes an impetus in communication between your website and search engine. To begin and generate an XML sitemap of any website first enter the URL name or domain name of the website in the space provided above. After that the option of a modified date, as the date is important it tells and helps Google to recognize the origin of the contents as its algorithm supports fresh content in every process. If the generated XML sitemap has fresh content then robots after quick crawl rank your website higher. After that Frequency, you can choose and select from the list and the number of pages to be crawled have to be assign from the options. After getting the XML sitemaps link you can submit to Google and Google after getting the ping of XML sitemap its algorithm will start the operations.